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Hot Damme!

‘The Muscles from Brussels’ talks to Olivier Bisback about his new film JCVD and why taking on this role has saved him a small fortune in therapy

Image Kris Dewitte

Forget everything you have ever read about Jean-Claude Van Damme. In his latest offering JCVD, a semi-autobiographic movie, you see a Jean-Claude Van Damme you have never seen before. In this movie everything is revealed: his private life, his image, drugs, women, money. JCVD, directed by Mabrouk El Mechri (aka the young Luc Besson), hits cinemas this month.

Where in the world can we find Jean-Claude Van Damme?

I’m a big traveller these days. Officially, I live in Hong Kong. I often go to North America, but right now I’m preparing a movie in Thailand. My parents live in Belgium. You see, you’ll find me all over.

You grew up in Belgium. What does Belgium mean to you?

Belgium? A great country that will always remind me of my youth. When I was young, I used to jog on the streets of Brussels. I also took karate lessons. That was the best investment I ever made. [Laughs]

What do you miss about Belgium?

I miss my family very much when I’m not in Belgium. My family is my source of love and happiness, so you’ll understand how I sometimes feel when they’re not around.

Where do you hang out when you’re in Belgium?

I’m mad about the Belgian coast. I really love to hang out with my adopted dogs at the beach, especially at sunset or by moonlight when the salt air of the sea is so intense and sensual.

You must have travelled around the world many times. What’s your favourite destination?

In Europe? Without any doubt, Paris. And worldwide… the Maldives.

What are you working on at the moment?

I’ve just finished a movie called JCVD. It’s more a semi-autobiographical drama in which you’ll see the real Jean-Claude. I’m in Cannes right now for the premiere. Critics are very enthusiastic about the film. It’s great being back.

After Cannes, I’m going to Thailand to work on a new movie called Full Love, which I want to direct and produce myself. The project will be a realistic adventure in which I take the viewer with me on a high-speed roller coaster.

The great advantage of financing your own movie is that you have fewer intermediaries and, in that way, a more direct access to the theatres.

Can you tell us something about JCVD?

The film was written by Mabrouk El Mechri, a young and very talented director from Paris. It’s a mixture of reality and fiction. In the movie my character’s life is a real mess. He leaves the US and goes to Belgium to visit his parents. On his arrival, he has no money and goes to a post office to get some cash. In the post office, there’s a hold-up going on. The world thinks I’m part of it…

It’s the best film I’ve done in my career. You will see Jean-Claude Van Damme in a totally different role.

The director has succeeded in finding a way for me to give myself entirely. After seeing the movie for the first time, I wasn’t able to function for a long time. I’ve never been confronted with myself the way I was with this movie. In fact, this movie was a sort of therapy. The production has invested millions in me to cure me from my past. One thing is for sure: JCVD changed my life.

Was it easy to accept the role?

I was approached directly by the producer and director. If they wanted me so bad for that movie, if they took all that trouble to find me, if they wanted to invest all that money in the movie, it had to be an interesting project. So I thought, and so it turned out.

Do you like being famous and the glamorous life of a movie star?

I like making movies and I just want them to be technically perfect and entertaining. I’m not looking for glory or fame. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind being well known. But it’s not the ultimate aim of my life.

Is there a big difference between Jean-Claude Van Damme and Jean-Claude Van Varenberg [the actor’s real name]?

The audience sometimes has a wrong perception of me, and the action movies only make that feeling stronger. The real Jean-Claude is a very sensitive, warm and sincere person, full of love. I like people and give them a lot. Unfortunately, some people took advantage of that, but that’s another story.

Will you still appear in action movies in the future?

Of course. People do like to see Van Damme in action.

How do you keep action movies interesting for yourself?

I like to challenge myself. My body looks twentysomething, but my face looks 50. I don’t walk bare-chested in the street any more, but I like to challenge myself physically.

You’re a big star who made it in the US and all over the world. Is there anything you still want to achieve in the film business?

Even after all those magnificent years, I still want to become better every day. I will never stop developing my skills, and I want to be remembered as a great, truthful and complete actor, director and producer.

What’s your passion when you’re not working in a studio or on a set?

I don’t have a lot of leisure time because I never stop working. I need to work. But I also love going to the movies and I’m fond of music.

What’s your favourite movie of all time?

I’ll give you my personal top three: Lawrence of Arabia, The Godfather and Casino, not necessarily in that order.

Who’s your favourite actor?

That’s a difficult question. I’d have to choose between Jack Nicholson, Sean Penn, Mel Gibson, Russell Crowe and Denzel Washington.

What’s your favourite kind of music?

I like classical music, opera and big orchestras.

Is there anything you’d like to share with the readers and your audience?

I’d like to thank all the people who go to the theatres worldwide to see my movies. Without them, I would never have achieved such a dazzling career. And they give me the strength and motivation to develop it even further.

FR Hot Damme!

Mais dans quelle partie du monde peut bien vivre Jean-Claude Van Damme aujourd’hui? Je vis officiellement à Hong Kong. Mes parents vivent en Belgique.

Vous avez grandi en Belgique. Qu’est-ce que cela représente pour vous?

C’est un pays fantastique qui me rappellera toujours ma jeunesse. Lorsque j’étais jeune, je faisais régulièrement du jogging dans les rues de Bruxelles. Et je prenais également des leçons de karaté…Le meilleur investissement que j’aie jamais fait.

Sur quel projet travaillez-vous en ce moment?

Je viens de terminer ‘JCVD’, une histoire semi-autobiographique. Je suis à Cannes en ce moment pour la première. Les critiques sont très enthousiastes et c’est génial d’être de retour.

Après Cannes, je pars en Thaïlande pour travailler sur un nouveau film appelé ‘Full Love’, que je veux tourner et produire moi-même.

Pouvez-vous nous dire un mot sur ‘JCVD’?

Ecrit par Mabrouk El Mechri, le film est un mélange de réalité et de fiction. Dans le film, la vie de mon personnage est un vrai désastre. Il quitte les USA et se rend en Belgique pour voir ses parents. Lorsqu’il débarque, il n’a pas d’argent et il se rend à un bureau de poste pour encaisser du liquide. Dans la poste, un hold-up est en train de se commettre. Tout porte à croire que j’y suis mêlé…

Jouer mon propre rôle dans ce film était une expérience étrange. Je n’ai jamais été confronté avec moi-même d’aussi près que dans ce film. En fait, c’était une sorte de thérapie. La production a investi des millions dans ma personne, pour me guérir de mon passé. ‘JCVD’ a changé ma vie.

Que voudriez-vous encore réaliser dans l’industrie du film?

Même après toutes ces merveilleuses années, je voudrais encore devenir meilleur chaque jour. Je n’arrête pas de développer mes talents et je veux que l’on se souvienne de moi comme d’un grand acteur, réalisateur et producteur, intègre et accompli.

Waar ter wereld vertoeft Jean-Claude Van Damme tegenwoordig?

Officieel woon ik in Hong Kong. Mijn ouders wonen in België.

Je groeide op in België. Wat betekent dat voor jou?

Het is een fantastisch land dat me altijd aan mijn jeugd zal herinneren. Vroeger jogde ik altijd in de straten van Brussel. Ik volgde ook karatelessen, de beste investering ooit!

Waar ben je op dit moment mee bezig?

Ik ben net klaar met ‘JCVD’, een semi-autobiografisch drama. Ik ben nu in Cannes voor de première. De critici zijn lovend over de film. Het is fantastisch om terug te zijn!

Na Cannes trek ik naar Thailand om aan een nieuwe film te werken, ‘Full Love’, die ik zelf wil regisseren en produceren.

Kun je ons iets vertellen over ‘JCVD’?

Het verhaal is geschreven door Mabrouk El Mechri en de film is een mix van werkelijkheid en fictie. Het leven van mijn personage ligt in puin. Hij verlaat de VS en gaat naar België om zijn ouders te bezoeken. Bij zijn aankomst is hij platzak en gaat hij naar een postkantoor om geld af te halen. En dat kantoor wordt net overvallen. De wereld denkt dat ik er iets mee te maken heb …

Mezelf spelen in de film was een ontnuchterende ervaring. Nooit eerder werd ik zo met mezelf geconfronteerd als in deze film. Eigenlijk was dit een vorm van therapie. De productie investeerde miljoenen in mij om me van mijn verleden te genezen. ‘JCVD’ veranderde mijn leven.

Zijn er nog dingen die je in de filmwereld wilt bereiken?

Zelfs na al die schitterende jaren wil ik nog elke dag beter worden. Ik zal mijn talenten blijven ontwikkelen en wil herinnerd worden als een grote, oprechte en complete acteur, regisseur en producer.

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