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Cross-country is for old men in one-piece Lycra suits, right? Not any more. In the far north, Matt Barr finds endless skiing and endless partying
Contrary to what you may have heard, Nordic skiing is back in style. As well as health freaks and Laplanders, trendy Scandinavians everywhere are donning their best retro ski gear and hitting cross-country circuits in well-known Nordic hotspots this winter.
Temperatures in a Scandinavian winter (which typically runs from October to April) will often drop below -15ºc, so dress warmly (but in layers that you can peel off) and get out on the trail. Cross-country skiing is the ultimate workout and 10 minutes into your first circuit your thighs will be on fire, sweat will be running rivers down your forehead and you’ll suddenly understand why cross-country skiers like to dress in Lycra – it shows off their unbelievably toned legs.
Rather than go with the long, thin ‘classic’ cross-country skis, you might like to try the newer ‘skating’ skis. They’re shorter and less awkward for the inexperienced, but the technique is different and doesn’t work on unprepared fresh snow.
on a frozen lake and sauna facilities for those who want to heat things up a bit. As well as illuminated skiing trails, Hellasgården resort (tel. ,, 10km from town in Nacka, also offers outdoor swimming – a winter tradition to some and absolute lunacy to others.
huffing and
puffing in the snow; Following an epic, thigh-burning day on the skis, you’d be mad not to hit the town and replenish some calories. Try Stureplan, the big square with everything you could want on a night out. Here you’ll find the huge neoclassical Sturecompagniet (, the elicit Hell’s Kitchen, and Spy Bar ( with its sexy blend of rock and funk. If you’re clubbing in Södermalm, it’s hard to improve on the classic jazz joint Mosebacke Etablissement (3 Mosebacketorg,
As for accommodation, we recommend Södermalm. This former working-class neighbourhood has undergone a hipster revolution and is now the trendiest address in town – and hands-down the best place to stay in Stockholm. We love Hotel Rival (3 Mariatorget, ,, with its original 1930s interior, restored 700-seater cinema and walls covered in portraits of movie stars.
Oslo is another picturesque Scandinavian city incorporating well-planned streets and colourful buildings encircled by snow-covered forests and shimmering fjords. The city is notoriously expensive, so unless you’ve got piles of spare cash, you might want to try and find a Norwegian friend you can stay with. Nordic skiing, however, is cheap and easy here.
The people of Oslo are so mad for cross-country action, you’ll even see them skiing in the middle of the city. Take the westbound metro No.1 up to Holmenkollen, strap on your skis and get amongst the 2500km-plus of trails unparalleled in the world of Nordic skiing (
The walls of the
Hotel Rival Stockholm
are covered in portraits
of movie stars Norwegians know how to party, but it’s worth remembering that Norway has a strict ‘no drinking and driving’ policy.
And because alcohol is ridiculously expensive, you get the infamous vorspiel (pre-party drinks before going out) and bars and clubs that are deserted before midnight. Tiny club Sikamikanico (2 Møllergata,, once known for throwing furniture on the street to make more room for dancing, still has to be the best in Oslo.
If you’re not on a budget, stay at Thon Hotel Gyldenløve (20 Bogstadveien, tel. , with Oslo’s trendy crowd. Cochs Pensjonat (25 Parkveien, tel. ,, 500m from the centre, is clean and sweet and, more importantly, affordable.
Looks like the lady on the left
has lost something – perhaps
her dignity in those lycra
leggings; Helskini is an interesting mix: a little bit Swedish, a little bit Russian and a whole lot Finnish. In winter, the cosy and mysterious darkness offers its own blanket of warmth, even outside in the snow. Finns are famously outgoing and you’ll make friends instantly.
The skiing trails here are easily accessible. Take the No.66 bus from Hakaniemi Square to Paloheinä ( paloheina). Here you can hire any ski equipment you need. With trail names like Minäymmärränliin and Kööpenhaminarman, you can easily get disoriented, but some extremely friendly Finn will no doubt take you back to their campfire to show you their map and make everything all right.
Away from the campfires and back to the city, nightlife is centred mostly around Uudenmaankatu and Eerikinkatu, and bar-hopping is easily done on foot. For something different, try the Arctic Icebar (5 Yliopistonkatu, Everything – from the walls and the bar stools to the shot glasses – is made of ice and the temperature is set at a constant -5°C. Chilling!
To raise your blood temperature again, book in at the Scandic Grand Marina hotel (7 Katajanokanlaituri, 16661,
This modern establishment is housed in a converted warehouse overlooking Katajanokka harbour, right by the President’s palace and the beautiful market square.
Scandic Grand Marina
hotel is a top place
to stay There are close to 60,000 students roaming Gothenburg’s streets and filling its bars. That, coupled with 25 theatres, 18 museums, four Michelin-starred restaurants and a steady stream of tourists makes Gothenburg a lively place, with the Avenyn (Kungsportsavenyn) as its beating heart.
However, it’s not all about the chi-chi nightlife and good times. For skiing, the best time to visit Gothenburg must be March, when TV presenters, political leaders, pop stars and even the King compete in the annual Vasa Race Week in Dalarna (
The drinking usually starts the night before the race and many of the 33,000 racers are a little wobbly before the starting gun even fires. Still, the views are exhilarating and the sense of fun palpable.
If you survive the race (and the drinking) and still fancy a night out, the majority of Gothenburg’s nightlife happens along the Avenyn. Walk up and down the street until you see the crowd that most suits your tastes. Remember to dress smart: with crowds at the door, bouncers tend to be choosy. Park Lane (a big dance club at No.36-38), Nivå (several floors of restaurant and bars at No.9) and Bryggeriet (a sports bar at No.3) are renowned party places.
Right on the Avenyn, there isn’t much you can’t see with the Mornington Hotel (6 Kungsportsavenyn, tel. , as your base. The buffet breakfast is served daily until 11am – for those who need a lie-in after partying at Glow ( next door.
Une discipline réservée aux personnes âgées dans une combinaison une pièce en Lycra ? Plus vraiment. Dans l’extrême nord, Matt Barr a pratiqué du ski de fond sans fin, sans parler des longues soirées festives
Le ski de fond – ou ski nordique – est à nouveau dans le coup. Cet hiver, les Scandinaves branchés vont sortir leur plus bel attirail rétro de leurs armoires pour se lancer sur les circuits de ski de fond. Les températures descendent souvent sous les 15ºC, veillez donc à vous vêtir chaudement et prenez votre air le plus brave : le ski de fond est la discipline ‘dernier cri’ de remise en forme. Plutôt que de chausser les longs et fins skis ‘classiques’ de randonnée, essayez plutôt les tout nouveaux skis de ‘patinage’, plus courts et moins gênants.
Stockholm, l’une des plus belles capitales du monde, est aussi sûre et propre qu’elle n’est tendance et cosmopolite. La station toute proche Lida Friluftsgärd propose 5km de pistes agréablement éclairées et bien marquées, du patinage sur glace sur un lac gelé et des saunas. De retour en ville, essayez Stureplan pour une sortie le soir et Södermalm pour les hôtels en vogue.
Les gens d’Oslo sont tellement passionnés de ski de randonnée, que vous les verrez même en action en plein milieu de la ville. Prenez le métro 1 direction ouest, qui monte jusqu’à Holmenkollen, chaussez vos skis et lancez-vous à l’assaut des 2 575km de pistes. Oslo est connue pour ses prix exorbitants, mais Cochs Pension, 25Parkveien, est plus raisonnable. Ou poussez le bateau un pas plus loin à l’hôtel Thon Gyldenløve, à Bogstadveien.
En hiver, la pénombre mystérieuse d’Helsinki constitue une couverture chaleureuse et les Finlandais ont la réputation d’être des sorteurs, très amicaux aussi. Ici, les pistes de ski sont facilement accessibles – prenez le bus n° 66 de la Place Hakaniemi jusqu’à Paloheinä. La vie de la nuit à Helsinki se concentre principalement autour d’Uudenmaankatu et d’Eerikinkatu, et le tour des bars se fait facilement à pied.
Mars est la meilleure période pour se rendre à Gothenburg, lorsque les présentateurs de TV, les dirigeants politiques, les pop stars et même le Roi participent à la compétition annuelle Vasaloppet à Dalarna. Si vous tenez le coup (à la boisson aussi) et que vous prévoyez une sortie le soir, la grande partie de la vie de la nuit de Gothenburg se tient le long du quartier de l’Avenyn.
Is langlaufen een sport voor oude mannen in een eendelige lycra outfit? Neen, dat beeld klopt niet meer. In het hoge Noorden vult Matt Barr zijn dagen met skiën en feesten.
Noords skiën is opnieuw in. Hippe Scandinaviërs halen hun beste retro outfit uit de kast en wagen zich deze winter opnieuw op de langlaufpiste. De temperaturen durven al wel eens tot -15°C gaan of nog lager, dus voorzie warme kledij en een flinke portie dapperheid. Langlaufen is de ultieme work-out. Ruil de dunne, lange, ‘klassieke’ langlaufski’s eens voor de nieuwe ‘skating’ ski’s. Ze zijn korter en minder onhandig.
Stockholm is een van de mooiste hoofdsteden ter wereld. Het is er veilig, de straten zijn er proper, en het ademt de trendy sfeer uit van een echte wereldstad. In het nabijgelegen resort Lida Friluftsgärd vind je 5 km goed geprepareerde en goed verlichte pistes, kan je schaatsen op een bevroren meer en zijn er saunafaciliteiten. Als je terugkeert naar de stad, ga dan op zoek naar Stureplan voor een avondje uit en Södermalm voor trendy hotels.
Langlaufen is zo populair in Oslo dat inwoners er zelfs de ski’s aanbinden in het centrum van de stad. Neem metro 1 in westelijke richting naar Holmenkollen, klik je ski’s vast en ga je gang op de 2575 km pistes. Oslo staat bekend als een dure stad, maar het Cochs Pension, 25 Parkveien, is een budgetvriendelijke optie. Als alternatief kan je de boot nemen naar het Thon Hotel Gyldenløve in Bogstadveien.
In de winter zorgt de mysterieuze duisternis in Helsinki zelf voor warmte, en Finnen zijn traditiegetrouw hartelijke en vriendelijke mensen. Skipistes zijn er makkelijk toegankelijk – neem bus nr. 66 van Hakaniemi Square naar Paloheinä. Het nachtleven bruist vooral rond Uudenmaankatu en Eerikinkatu, waar je zonder problemen te voet een kroegentocht kunt inzetten.
Göteborg bezoek je best in maart. Dan wordt in Dalarna immers de jaarlijkse Vasaloppet race georganiseerd, een evenement waar tvpresentatoren, politieke leiders, popsterren en zelfs de koning aan deelnemen. Als je de race (en het drinkgelag) overleeft en nog zin hebt in een avondje stappen, dan trek je best naar de Avenyn waar de meeste party’s zijn in Götenborg.