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Culture vultures: Belgium A-Z

This month sees most of us wave a fond farewell to the last of our summer holidays, but there are still lots of cultural activities to keep us entertained o the coming months. Kimberley Lovato tracks them down

Ancienne Belgique welcomes contemporary local and international music acts almost every day of the week in one of its three concert halls, said to be the best venues in Belgium, with perfect acoustics.

Beer is the undoubted star of Essen’s Festival des Bières de Noël and the place to taste more than 100 Belgian winter brews on 12 and 13 December.

Comic strips are quintessentially Belgian and October marks the Belgian Comic Strip Center’s 20th year in Brussels. Several events are planned through to the end of the year.

Delvaux, the luxury leather goods company, celebrates its 180th anniversary this year. To mark the occasion, Antwerp’s Mode Museum is running an exhibition until February 2010 looking at the life of the classic Belgian brand.

Europalia, an international arts festival held every two years, celebrates the culture of an invited country. This year, the focus is on China. From 8 October to 14 February 2010, the festival brings a diverse programme of events to various cities around Belgium.

Film Festival van Vlaanderen in Ghent invites cinema buffs to view some 120 features and 50 short films from across the world between 6 and 17 October.

Gospel shines as one of the form’s biggest American stars, Jean Carpenter, and 150 choristers sing at the Centre Culturel Régional de Verviers on 29 November in celebration of the canonisation (on 11 October) of Father Damien, a Belgian-born priest.

Hasselt is home to jenever, a distilled tipple flavoured with juniper berries that has been made in this region of Belgium for hundreds of years. The people pay homage to this local concoction with a festival in the city centre on 17-18 October.

Ice and snow arrive by the ton at Stationsplein in Bruges from November to January, so professional ice sculptors can carve their frosty fantasies and set the scene in one of Belgium’s most picturesque towns.

Josef Hoflehner, master landscape photographer, shares his black and white images of remote corners of the planet at the Young Gallery in Knokke until 19 November.

Kaaitheater is a performing arts centre in Brussels that brings innovative work in theatre, dance, film and music to its downtown location. The season opens this autumn with an array of inspirational performances that will have culture vultures singing through to spring.

Learn a language and cook a delicious meal while you’re at it. Parlez-moi Cuisine in Waterloo offers three-hour classes where you prepare and share a meal, and practise French in a casual environment.

Museums in Brussels open late on Thursday nights until 17 December, with at least five different locations each week welcoming visitors until 10pm.

Nutcracker is a treasured story at this time of the year, and the Moscow City Ballet brings Clara and her toy to life at the Cirque Royale in Brussels on 6 December.

Opéra Royal de Wallonie in Liege kicks off its  season. Fans won’t be disappointed with offerings such as West Side Story in October, Falstaff in November and Le Pays du Sourire in December.

Plopsaland may have a funny name, but it’s also guaranteed fun for the whole family on Halloween. The park in De Panne opens its gates to all sorts of goblins and ghosts, and stays open late for the first two weekends in November.

Quartier du Sablon is the location of one of Brussels’ most anticipated events – Les Nocturnes du Sablon – and one of the city’s most beautiful neighbourhoods. Between 26 and 29 November, Sablon is transformed into a snow-globe scene with twinkling lights and horse-drawn carriages to take revelers around the myriad antique and art galleries open until late.

René Magritte, one of Belgium’s most famous sons, finally has a gallery dedicated to his work. Reserve tickets online.

Saint-Hubert honours its namesake and the patron saint of hunters annually on 3 November with a day-long celebration, starting with a mass in the basilica followed by a market of crafts and gifts, a fanfare of hunting horns and an afternoon equestrian rally.

Tables are a hot commodity in Brussels’ restaurants and is the premiere local website for good dining recommendations in and around the capital.

Urban Experience is what Tour & Taxis calls its historic site in the canal district of Brussels. The renovated buildings house nearly 40 shops and restaurants, a nightclub and wine bar, and a packed agenda of year-round cultural events.

Velo Tour of Mons takes place for the second year running on 25 October. Participants are invited to pedal along a 25km path through Mons and its surrounding areas, in an attempt to promote energy efficient mobility.

Winterfoor Funfair in Antwerp’s Grote Markt will enchant young and old with a retro carousel and vintage carnival rides, and delicious Belgian winter treats such as oliebollen (deep-fried doughnuts), from 26 December to 4 January.

XpoItalia, under the patronage of the Italian Embassy, brings 150 exhibitors with products, food and services from Italy to the capital’s Heysel exhibition centre from 15-18 October. One of Ferrari’s latest creations will also be on display.

Ypres was the location of some of the fiercest trench warfare during the First World War. Every year on 11 November, special services are held at St George’s church in the town, while every evening at 8pm traffic through the Menin Gate War Memorial is stopped to allow buglers to play the Last Post.

Zhangzhou Puppet Troupe, created more than 30 years ago in China, characters to Turnhout’s De Poppenzaal theatre on 29 November.

FR La passion de la culture : la Belgique de A à Z

Cet hiver, la gamme des événements culturels est infiniment variée. Kimberely Lovato nous propose une sélection de A à Z

A Des concerts live sont produits toute la saison à l’Ancienne Belgique.

B La bière est la star du Festival des Bières de Noël d’Essen (12-13 décembre).

C Le Centre de la Bande dessinée à Bruxelles fête ses 20 ans cette année.

D Delvaux célèbre ses 180 ans avec une exposition jusqu’en février 2010.

E Europalia met la culture chinoise à l’honneur d’octobre à février.

F Le Film Festival van Vlaanderen à Gand projette 170 films du 6 au 17 octobre. G La star du gospel Jean Carpenter chante au Centre Culturel de Verviers le 29 novembre. H Hasselt rend hommage à son genièvre local les 17-18 octobre.  

I Les sculpteurs de glace modèlent des scènes issues de leur imagination à Bruges, de novembre jusqu’en janvier.

J Josef Hoflehner montre ses paysages à Knokke du 28 septembre au 19 novembre.

K Le Kaaitheater programme des spectacles durant tout l’hiver.

L Apprenez les langues et la cuisine en prenant des cours chez Parlez-moi Cuisine à Waterloo.

M Les musées à Bruxelles restent ouverts plus tard les jeudis jusqu’au 17 décembre.

N Casse-Noisette passe au Cirque Royal à Bruxelles le 6 décembre.

O Cette saison, l’Opéra Royal de Wallonie à Liège interprète West Side Story, Falstaff et Le Pays du Sourire.

P Plopsaland accueille des Goblins durant la période d’Halloween.

Q Le Quartier du Sablon est le point de rencontre des Nocturnes du Sablon du 26 au 29 novembre.

R Le musée René Magritte est désormais ouvert.

S Saint-Hubert fête son saint (3 novembre) avec un marché et un rallye équestre.

T Les tables dans les restaurants bruxellois sont des plaisirs fort prisés. Allez sur pour obtenir les meilleures critiques et recommandations

U Urban Experience à Bruxelles abrite des magasins, des restaurants et des événements culturels.

V Le ‘Pro Velo Tour’ à Mons a lieu le 25 octobre.

W La Winterfoor Funfair d’Anvers se déroule du 26 décembre au 4 janvier.

X XpoItalia reçoit 150 exposants à Bruxelles du 15 au 18 octobre.

Y Ypres commémore le Jour de l’Armistice (11 novembre).

Z Zhangzhou Puppet Troupe débarque à Turnhout le 29 novembre.

NL Culturele veelvraten: België van A tot Z

Aan culturele evenementen deze winter geen gebrek. We doorlopen ze even van A tot Z. Door Kimberely Lovato

A De Ancienne Belgique brengt het hele seizoen live-optredens.

B Bier is de absolute ster van het Essense Kerstbierfestival (12-13 december).

C Het Centrum van de Belgische Strip in Brussel blaast dit jaar 20 kaarsjes uit.

D Delvaux viert 180 jaar handtassenluxe met een tentoonstelling die loopt tot februari 2010.

E Europalia staat van oktober tot februari in het teken van de Chinese cultuur.

F Tijdens het Filmfestival van Vlaanderen in Gent staan van 6 tot 17 oktober 170 films op het programma.

G Gospelster Jean Carpenter zingt in het cultureel centrum van Verviers op 29 november.

H Hasselt brengt op 17 en 18 oktober hulde aan de plaatselijke jenevernijverheid met de Hasseltse jeneverfeesten.

I IJssculpteurs geven hun diepgevroren fantasieën de vrije loop in Brugge, van november tot januari.

J Josef Hoflehner toont landschappen in Knokke, van 28 september tot 19 november.

K Het Kaaitheater brengt de hele winter lang interessante voorstellingen.

L Leer Frans én koken in de les van Parlez-moi Cuisine in Waterloo.

M Musea in Brussel blijven tot 17 december op donderdag laat open.

N De Notenkraker is op 6 december te zien in het Koninklijk Circus in Brussel.

O De Opéra Royal de Wallonie in Luik presenteert dit seizoen West Side Story, Falstaff en Le Pays du Sourire.

P Plopsaland voert op Halloween een paar rare snuiters ten tonele.

Q Quartier du Sablon – de Zavelwijk vormt het decor voor de Nocturnes van de Zavel, van 26 tot 29 november.

R Rene Magritte’s galerij is nu open.

S Saint-Hubert viert op 3 november de Sint Hubertusfeesten met een markt en een ruiterrally.

T Tafels in Brusselse restaurants zijn zeer gewild. Suggesties vindt u op

U De Urban Experience in Brussel biedt onderdak aan winkels, restaurants en tal van culturele events.

V De Velo Tour in Bergen gaat van start op 25 oktober.

W De winterfoor Funfair in Antwerpen loopt van 26 december tot 4 januari.

X XpoItalia brengt 150 exposanten naar Brussel van 15-18 oktober. Y Ypres Salient… De stad Ieper herdenkt de Wapenstilstand (11 november).

Z Het Zhangzhou-poppengezelschap strijkt neer in Turnhout op 29 november.

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