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Inflight Magazine of Brussels Airlines

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3 of the best… spooky spots

It goes without saying that the only bar InOut will be reaching for on Halloween is the one that goes across the front door - before sprinkling a cordon sanitaire of holy water around the bed and digging out a wooden stake. But if you’re stepping out at the ghouling hour, here are three of the spookiest locations

Le Cercueil BRUSSELS
12 Rue des Harengs,

Best if you’re. A big fan of coffins. And who isn’t? Why, they’re one of InOut’s favourite things beginning with ‘C’. Right up there with Champagne cocktails and the early work of Cathy Dennis (circa 1989). Anyway, Le Cercueil is the place to go if you’ve even a passing interest in matters casket-esque. Think tables made out of coffins, a cute sarcophagusand- skeletoncombo in the window and a narrow, dark, creepy space inside. Lovely.

Ghost Bar LONDON
113-117 Farringdon Road,

Best if you’re. Haunted by the loss of the late, great Turnmills. This ghoulish little number has gone some way to filling the void left after Farringdon’s finest closed its doors last year. Décor leans towards the deluxe end of gothic - black walls, black chandeliers and black buttonback sofas - and the club pulls in a polished crowd, so make an effort. Throwing a sheet over your head and hoping for the best won’t cut it.


Garlic & Shots STOCKHOLM
84 Folkungagatan,

Best if you’re. Troubled by vampires. Every dish is infused with the sweet scent of garlic and house rules dictate you can ask for more of the stuff but never less. Up the ante by ordering a Transylvania vampire steak, washed down with a bloodshot - that’s vodka, tomato juice, garlic and chilli.

Cocktail corner

The Zombie
Let’s assume you’ve been sensible and are staying at home on 31 October. You’ve donned your crucifix, dusted down your Lost Boys box set and, mindful that there’s safety in numbers, asked assorted friends/priests around for drinks. You need to serve a suitably spooky cocktail - something strong enough to take the edge off those fright-night nerves. Step forward the Zombie - so alcoholic some bars insist you stop at two:

Mix one measure of Bacardi, golden rum, apricot brandy, pineapple juice and papaya juice with a dash of grenadine. Finish off with a half measure of Bacardi 151. Cross yourself. Serve.

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