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MAXXI Image Roland Halbe
Holon Image Yael Pincus
Faustino Winery Image Foster + Partners
Holmenkollen Beacon Image JDS Architects
The recession may have hit the building trade, but Europe’s top designers are producing feats of architectural audacity. Design aficionado Bethan Ryder gives us the inside track on six new projects that will meet their adoring public in 2010
Design Museum Holon, Israel
It’s not difficult to guess the architect behind the newly opened Design Museum Holon, in a city just a 20-minute drive south of Tel Aviv. This arts building consists of two gallery wings and yet resembles a flattened russet rainbow, rhythmically wrapped in five huge, wide ribbons of varying rusty shades of COR-TEN (weathered steel). It’s so loopy, so playful yet functional – and so very Ron Arad.
The gruff, behatted, London-based but Tel Aviv-born industrial designer and architect is renowned for his bold sculptural approach, and a fondness for steel. But as he explains, the Design Museum’s bronze cloak – or “envelope” – isn’t just some visual frippery. The steel bands are its structural spine, and unify the project by providing an access ramp between the two galleries, creating extra transitory display space, aiding circulation and forming a semi-sheltered courtyard into which visitors arrive. It’s put Holon on the cultural map already.
MAXXI Rome, Italy
One decade and €150m in the making, Pritzker Prize-winning architect Zaha Hadid’s bold concoction of concrete and glass wowed the critics when unveiled at the tail-end of last year. Located in Rome’s northern outskirts, in the Flaminio neighbourhood, this National Museum of 21st Century Arts occupies the former site of a military barracks. But although the exterior features dramatic curves and swoops, and an impressive jutting promontory, by Hadid’s standards it’s actually relatively quiet and unassuming.
It’s on the inside that MAXXI’s audacious, futuristic beauty reveals itself.
Envisaged by Hadid as “an immersive urban environment (or campus) for the exchange of ideas,” the guts of the building resemble a glowing monochromatic labyrinth, with undulating ramps, stairs and walkways – or “streams” in the words of the ‘starchitect’. MAXXI radiates energy, interaction and fluidity; ideal qualities for a space that, according to Rome’s Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, is destined to be “a factory of creativity where design, fashion, cinema and advertising will establish a dialogue with art and architecture.” The museum opens to the public in May 2010.
Faustino Winery Gumiel de Hizan, Spain
The winemaking regions of northern Spain look set to become a magnet for architecture lovers, with Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Richard Rogers and Norman Foster all designing ‘temples to wine’ for well-known Spanish brands. Foster + Partners’ winery for the Faustino Group lies 150km north of Madrid, in the Ribera del Duero region. Sleek, low-slung and discreet, with a palette of oak, steel and glass, the building pays homage to the materials used in wine production. Its partly submerged position and earthy tones – the exterior walls are clad with russet COR-TEN steel tiles – enable it to blend harmoniously with the surrounding landscape.
The winery is fully operational, with the three wings of the trefoil construction each housing one of the core functions of the winemaking process, linked by a central operations hub. On the mezzanine floor above, meanwhile, a visitors’ centre, café and restaurant offer views across the vineyards and, of course, a chance to sample the produce. Slated to open in May, the success of this highly functional structure proves that viticulture’s union with big-name architects continues to produce vintage design.
Centre Pompidou Metz, France
The younger sibling of Paris’ pin-up of high-tech architecture, the Centre Pompidou-Metz is destined to bestow ‘the Bilbao effect’ on this provincial city in the Lorraine region (90 minutes from Strasbourg) when it opens in May. It couldn’t look more different from its predecessor, however: Japanese architect and lover of geometric forms Shigeru Ban cites the tightly woven strips of bamboo in a conical Chinese peasant’s hat as inspiration for the building’s roof design. It’s been likened to a forest grotto, a marquee and a pavilion, but there’s also something about the tilting skirt of the membrane (fibre-glass and Teflon), resting just above the glued laminated timber roof, that resembles a hovering manta ray (albeit one pierced by a 77m central spire – a nod to the 1977 birth of Piano and Rogers’ Pompidou Centre).
Inside there’s a soaring central forum and three 85m rectangular galleries, stacked through the building at different angles. Each one ends in a glazed wall that juts out through the canopy-style roof, offering views of historic local landmarks and the surrounding parkland.
The centre’s inaugural exhibition, Chefs-d’oeuvre?, promises an impressive medley of masterworks by Matisse, Picasso and Braque.
Eco City Hamburg, Germany
In case you haven’t guessed, Eco City’s USP is its environmentally progressive credentials. It’s the joint brainchild of tecARCHITECTURE, a Swiss-American practice that prides itself on ecologically high-tech architectural solutions, and engineering experts Arup. Located a few kilometres from Hamburg, this ambitious project comprises 10 structures, ranging from existing warehouses to two glassy high-rise towers whose angular forms conceal wind turbines producing 10% of Eco City’s energy. Heating is solar powered, and green roofs and vertical gardens (aka “green beltways”) promise to minimise the carbon footprint. When complete it will include a luxury hotel, offices, restaurants and retail units. Sebastian Knorr of tecARCHITECTURE says: “We hope that this iconic project becomes a model for sustainable urban development.”
New Holmenkollen Beacon Oslo, Norway
A major Oslo landmark and one of the country’s top tourist attractions, Holmenkollen Hill has hosted ski-jump competitions since the late 19th century. It has been extended on countless occasions, but this latest design by JDS Architects promises to be the ski jump’s most spectacular incarnation.
Led by 30-something Brussels-born architect Julien de Smedt, this eponymous Brussels/Oslo/Copenhagen firm has swiftly gained recognition for its exciting, eco-friendly architectural solutions involving organic, often undulating forms. The Holmenkollen Hill project couldn’t be better suited to De Smedt, whose believes his fascination with “urban conditions” was nurtured while skateboarding as a teenager.
The new Beacon will accommodate 50,000 spectators in an arena that surrounds the base of the jump. It has a sharp silhouette that’s enhanced by a diffused light beam, which will project beyond the structure into the sky at night. An inclined elevator provides access to the top, where there’ll be a lounge, viewing deck and launch pad for skiers. It’s due to open this year, in plenty of time for the 2011 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships.
Bethan Ryder, aficionado de design, nous donne un point de vue plongeant sur six nouveaux projets architecturaux qui iront à la rencontre de leur public en 2010
Ce Musée National des Arts du 21ème siècle apparaît comme un réseau de longues courbes, mais sa réelle beauté futuriste réside dans l’articulation de ses espaces intérieurs. Un labyrinthe lumineux de rampes, de cages d’escaliers et de passerelles, MAXXI est voué à devenir “un laboratoire de la créativité.” Le musée ouvrira ses portes en mai 2010.
Centre Pompidou, Metz, France SHIGERU BAN ET JEAN DE GASTINES
La réplique du joyau de l’architecture high-tech de Paris ne pouvait pas offrir une conception plus différente de l’original. Shigeru Ban cite comme source d’inspiration le chapeau des paysans chinois, mais le bâtiment ressemble aussi à une raie manta. Ouverture en mai.
Musée du Design, Holon, Israël ARAD ASSOCIATES
À 20 minutes au sud de Tel Aviv, ce bâtiment dédié aux arts ressemble à un arc en ciel jouant sur toutes les teintes de roux, emballé dans cinq larges rubans de métal COR-TEN d’aspect corrodé (acier à corrosion superficielle forcée). Ces bandes constituent l’épine dorsale de l’ouvrage, tout en réunissant les deux salles d’expositions et la cour.
Le nouveau « phare » d’Holmenkollen, Oslo, Norvège JDS ARCHITECTS
Holmenkollen Hill est le lieu légendaire des compétitions de sauts à ski depuis le 19ème siècle, mais le nouveau promontoire promet d’en être sa plus spectaculaire incarnation. Capable d’accueillir 50 000 spectateurs, le « phare » a une silhouette effilée, renforcée par un design lumineux. Le nouveau monument sera ouvert plus tard dans l’année.
Eco City, Hambourg, Allemagne tecARCHITECTURE
Cet ambitieux projet de nouveau complexe vert comprend 10 structures, allant d’entrepôts à des tours intégrant des éoliennes qui pourront produire 10% de l’énergie d’Eco City. L’ouvrage comprendra un hôtel, des bureaux, des restaurants et des magasins.
Établissement vinicole Faustino, Gumiel de Hizan, Espagne
Implanté à 150km au nord de Madrid, ce bâtiment surbaissé et discret rend hommage aux matériaux utilisés dans le secteur vinicole. L’établissement est pleinement opérationnel et il intègre un centre de visiteurs, un café ainsi que la possibilité de déguster les produits. Ouverture prévue en mai.
Designliefhebber Bethan Ryder vertelt ons meer over de zes nieuwe architectuurprojecten die in 2010 onthuld zullen worden aan het bewonderende publiek.
Dit Nationaal Museum voor 21ste-eeuwse Kunst wordt gekenmerkt door dramatische gewelven, maar de ware futuristische schoonheid ligt aan de binnenkant. Met zijn glimmend labyrint van hellingen, trappen en wandelgangen is MAXXI voorbestemd om een ‘fabriek van creativiteit’ te worden. Het opent zijn deuren in mei 2010.
Centre Pompidou, Metz, Frankrijk SHIGERU BAN EN JEAN DE GASTINES
Het jongere zusje van de Parijse pin-up van de hoogtechnologische architectuur kon er niet verschillender uitzien. Shigeru Ban noemt de Chinese boerenhoed als inspiratiebron, maar het lijkt ook op een reuzenrog. De opening vindt plaats in mei.
Design Museum, Holon, Israël ARAD ASSOCIATES
Twintig minuten ten zuiden van Tel Aviv vind je dit kunstgebouw dat lijkt op een roestbruine regenboog, omhuld met vijf brede stroken roestig COR-TEN (verweerd staal). De stroken voorzien het gebouw van zijn structurele ruggengraat en verbinden de twee galerijen met het binnenhof.
New Holmenkollen Beacon, Oslo, Noorwegen JDS ARCHITECTS
De Holmenkollen Schans heeft sinds de 19de eeuw schansspringcompetities te gast, maar dit belooft zijn meest spectaculaire incarnatie te worden. De Beacon heeft plaats voor 50.000 toeschouwers en heeft een scherp silhouet dat versterkt wordt door een diffuse lichtstralenbundel. De opening is later dit jaar voorzien.
Eco City, Hamburg, Duitsland tecARCHITECTURE
Dit ambitieuze groen project omvat 10 structuren, gaande van pakhuizen tot hoge torens die de windturbines verbergen, waar 10% van de energie van Eco City geproduceerd wordt. Wanneer het afgewerkt is, zal het een hotel, restaurants, kantoren en detailhandelspanden herbergen.
Faustino Wijnmakerij, Gumiel de Hizan, Spanje FOSTER + PARTNERS
Dit lage en discrete gebouw, dat 150km ten noorden van Madrid ligt, brengt hulde aan de materialen die gebruikt worden bij het maken van wijn. Het is volledig operationeel en er is een bezoekerscentrum, een café en een gelegenheid om de oogst te proeven. Verwachte opening in mei.